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Author GUILLAUME D'OCKHAM If we disregard the study of language and turn directly to things themselves, we condemn ourselves to project into being the shadow of the elements and articulations structuring language. Ockham undertakes, at the begining of the 14th century, a critical analysis of logical categories inherited from Aristotle, Porphyre and Boece. This analysis does not lead to an imprisonment into language, but, on the contrary, to a rigourous study of the relationship between verbal (or conceptual) signs and singular things which really exist. This last volume is divided in two parts. The first one scrutinizes « consequences » (arguments of the form « if p, then q ») which constitute the theory of places and set out « obligations » - that is rules « compelling » everyone taking part into a dispute. The second one shows how to recognize fallacies, in order to avoid false arguments and risks of being deceived by oneself.

Bilingual edition Latin / French

Introduction by Joël BIARD

TraductorsTranslated by J. BIARD, C. GRELLARD, K. S. ONG-VAN-CUNG
Format : 15 x22 cmRETAIL PRICE
P & P INCLUDED : 42.00 €
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